CREATIVE challenge

FYI UPDATE I am extending the SHADOWS creative challenge another week and I will post my favorites Sunday the 8th.


With everything that is going on I bet a lot of you haven’t picked up your cameras in months.

That is perfectly understandable.

I can even see how Photography might remind you of how things used to be and how they’ve now changed causing a bitter sweet connection.

I’ve had many of these moments. Asking myself what’s the point? Should I keep working hard at getting the Photography classes online? Does anyone really care about creativity right now?

But, as CREATIVES it is important to continue to create.

Being creative allows us to disconnect for a bit.

Being creative allows us to have some control over how we interact with the world.

Being creative allows us to have a way to express ourselves at a time when a lot of us feel like we’re not being heard.

AND, I KNOW right now we are all fatigued!

It’s like our routine and schedule came to a complete screeching halt and at the same time we had to quickly shift gears and learn how to protect ourselves from all of the unknowns and every day do the best we can.

I’m thankful for my Photography classes!

I’m thankful I have the opportunity and the ability to learn how to create effective online classes.

I’m thankful for my Photography students and I’m thankful many of us have become FRIENDS!

I’m thankful for this TIME I have been given to become a better instructor.

I’m thankful for my camera that allows me to take fun fairy photos!

I’m thankful that I can work from home and continue creating.

NOW, with all of that said I am going to CHALLENGE each of you!

Starting today Monday October 26th, 2020 I challenge you to

  1. pick up your camera or cell and have fun creating one photo a week that you are absolutely crazy about.

  2. EACH WEEK Send your fabulous awesome fantastic photo to me via e-mail at with the story details (the why and how you took the photo and be sure and add the DATE you took the photo.

  3. YES there is a THEME! FIRST WEEK of 10.26. SHADOWS I want the photo to be about shadows, any kind of shadows…. the only requirement is the photo has to tell a story! I want to instantly look at your photo and go OH I SEE!

    IF YOU NEED INSPIRATION BE SURE AND CHECK OUT PINTEREST! SEARCH SHADOW PHOTOS. Also, here are some of my shadow photography on Pinterest

    Here is a shadow photo of mine I took several years ago.

    How does it make you feel?


Each SUNDAY after 3 p.m. I will post on the BREATHE BLOG my favorites! SO, be sure and check the BREATHE blog on Sundays to see if your photo was chosen as a favorite!


FYI If you have previously purchased a class from me and would like to be added to THE PHOTOGRAPHERS private blog send me an e-mail at

This is going to be fun and challenging and creative!

You can do this, just start. That is the most important step.

I am really looking forward to seeing everyone’s photos!




I am always sending good vibes that everyone is safe and ok.