A poetic tree and golden hour light, moments captured.

In our life we make friends.  

And like with any good friendship, bonds are created, memories are shared.  I’ve been blessed to know the family of Garry & Mika Smith for many years now, it’s a caring, tight knit family.  They truly care about each other, sacrificing and giving. 

Their son Chas Smith is a young man that I have really enjoyed getting to know.  He is a really good person in the world, a creative, gentle spirit.  

Recently, Chas contacted me to help him with a special moment in his life.  He asked me to do their, Chas & Shonnie's pregnancy shoot.    The images were to be a surprise for the family. 

Shonnie & Chas 2015


Chas had put a lot of thought in this, he had already picked out a beautiful outdoor area, a nearby pasture with the most poetic tree.    Chas and I scouted out the area the day before during the time of day that the shoot would take place.  The golden hour shone a perfect amount of warm sunlight through the leaves of the tree and cast a beautiful amount of open shade for our photo shoot.    

IMG_2835 Select.jpg


The very next day we loaded up props of big poppy flowers, a nice sized Kilim rug, pillows of teal and ruby red and headed to our soft pasture grass with the poetic tree and golden hour light. 

REALLY GOOD FRIEND Shauna helped me with props !  She's such a cool breeze.  

As we arrive we see a lot of cows, everywhere!  They were lovely cows, don’t get me wrong.  There was even the champagne colored, very handsome bull laying off in the distance.  A baby bull was a little more active, jumping around at the sight of us.


We unloaded the props and equipment, and quickly realized that there were a lot of cows resting in our perfect, open shade of the poetic tree.  Now, for those of you that have never been around cows, they have a tendency to poop.  Cow Patties the size of a dinner plate at every step! 

And so it is for the Photographer, you never know how an outdoor shoot is going to take place, so many unknown variables, but thankfully, I am a seasoned professional and am used to side stepping a lot of SH*T! 

We managed to slowly, thoughtfully step around the poop and find a clear, small area of open shade, position the poetic tree nicely in the background and capture some sweet memories. 

Click on arrows to view images in slideshow

Isn’t that what it’s all about, really?  Side stepping the poop, finding some open shade and feeling the warmth of golden hour.