2nd NFT The Jewelry Box (process)

I’ve started the process of creating my 2nd NFT visual story called The Jewelry Box.

a visual story of a teen in the 70's and her journey of growing up. She keeps her mood ring that mom gave her, the valentine day card from someone special, a secret note from her bff and her future dreams in her ballerina jewelry box.

I spend a lot of time researching the time period and searching for authentic pieces.

I start with writing a story line.

a teen in the 70’s and her journey of growing up.

I ask myself who is she?

How does she see herself?

Does she have a best friend?

I love these charms for a charm bracelet.

I love these charms for a charm bracelet.

Maybe she wants a Love Bug as her first car?

Creating a story line really helps me have a better focus on what items I need in the visual story.

Watch the B R E A T H E blog for behind the scene photos and updates of the process!

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